$30,000 Marketing & Technology Grant - The Little Phil Foundation 2025’s Grant to boost digital awareness and supporters for Australian Nonprofits.
93.5% of Australian registered nonprofits say they need assistance with digital marketing strategies and more than 50% still cannot accept donations online. These numbers are highly alarming considering the rapid change in donor demographics, the phasing out of Cheques by 2030 and the use of
cash declining by 50% from 2019 - 2022.
Considering these statistics, The Little Phil Foundation has decided to assist Australian charities with two types of grants to aid with the transition to digital giving and increase supporter engagement.
Grant Option 1 - Digital Marketing and Fundraising Boost (Valued at up to $30,000)
For organisations who are wishing to invest in building their digital supporters and preparing their organisation for the future of digital fundraising
Grant Option 2 - Digital Giving & Marketing DIY (Valued at up to $2,380)
For organisations who are looking to adopt digital tools and technology that will assist their team and volunteers with implementing digital fundraising and marketing initiatives